Problem —> Thesis —> Structure
- Outsider
- Speaking in a language that is not the court
⇒ Knowing what good is enough for being good → connect between wisdom and good action ⇒ To find the truth of what is good
Athenians are harming themselves since Socrates is the only one who concerns the truth and what truly good is.
“Ancient” / Recent accusation
- Bad association with pre/post
- Ancient:
- Physicist → enquire things in heaven and under the earth
- Sophist: Use arguments that leads people away from the truth
- Doesn’t care about physics
- “human/political virtue” —> People aren’t as wise as they were
Corrupts the youth
- Hates democracy
- not believe to the gods of the state ⇒ can’t corrupt the youth: “No one does bad willingly. Corrupt person is more likely to harm people.” ⇒ If you know that you are harming people → you should come to me
The unexamined life is not worth living
- Won’t act as what is good and knowledge → living a life of ignorance → not a worth living life.
- Pain and pleasure
- How suicide is wrong, facing death = good ?
- Philosophers desire death?
- What if the soul is not immortal?
- Single vs composite
All knowing is remembering <— posteriori
pp 62,63:
- We know absolute equality
- Material equalities fall short of absolute equality
To see inequality → need to have knowledge of what absolute equality is, from experience
For Socrates → ideas are not fluid