linalg review
See also matrix cookbook
matrix representation of a system of linear equations
Equivalent matrix representation of Ax=b
A∈Rm×n and AT∈Rn×m
dot product.
linear combination of columns
Let A∈Rm×n, X∈Rn, Ax∈Rn
Then Ax=∑i=1n⟨ai⟩xi∈Rn
inverse of a matrix
The inverse of a square matrix A∈Rn×n is a unique matrix denoted by A−1∈Rn×n
euclidean norm
L2 norm:
L1 norm: ∥x∥1=∑i=1n∣xi∣
L∞ norm: ∥x∥∞=maxi∣xi∣
p-norm: ∥x∥p=(∑i=1n∣xi∣p)1/p
One can prove this with Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
linear dependence of vectors
Given {x1,x2,…,xn}⊆Rd and α1,α2,…,αn∈R
∀i∈[n],∀{a1,a2,…,an}⊆Rd s.t. xi=j=1∑najxj
Given a set of vectors {x1,x2,…,xn}⊆Rd, the span of the set is the set of all possible linear combinations of the vectors.
If x1,x2,…,xn are linearly independent, then the span of the set is the entire space Rd
For a matrix A∈Rm×n:
- column rank: max number of linearly independent columns of A
- row rank: max number of linearly independent rows of A
If rank(A)≤m, then the rows are linearly independent. If rank(A)≤n, then the columns are linearly independent.
rank of a matrix A is the number of linearly independent columns of A:
- if A is full rank, then rank(A)=min(m,n) (rank(A)≤min(m,n))
- rank(A)=rank(AT)
solving linear system of equations
If A∈Rn is invertible, there exists a solution:
Range and Projection
Given a matrix A∈Rm×n, the range of A, denoted by R(A) is the span of columns of A:
Projection of a vector y∈Rm onto span({x1,⋯,xn}), xi∈Rm is a vector in the span that is as close as possible to y wrt l2 norm
Null space of A
is the set of all vectors that satisfies the following: