See also slides

Node as information and edges as relationship between data

Directed acyclic graph (DAG)

Application: Merkle DAG


  • : set of vertices
  • : set of undirected edges:

path is a sequence of nodes and edges connect two nodes.

A graph is connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices.

In a weight undirected graph each edge has a weight:

See also Graph isomorphism


  • : set of vertices
  • : set of edges containing node pairs:

path difference

sequence of nodes and edges are directional, edges are ordered pairs.


path with at-least one edge from a node

Strongly component: maximal sub-graph in which all node pairs are strongly connected.

matrix representation

Let be a directed graph with

Let matrix

For every pairs of nodes set

The adjacency list representation


Let be an array of bags For every edge add to to bag

add/remove nodes (copy array)
add/remove edges (adding to bag)
check an edge exists (searching bags)
iterate over all incoming edges of (scan all bags)
iterate over all outgoing edges of (scan a bag)
Check or change the weight of


Dense graph: Sparse graph:

Traversing undirected graph.

Depth-first search (DFS)

Algorithm 1 DFS-R(G, marked, n)

Require: G=(N,E),marked,nNG = (\mathcal{N}, \mathcal{E}), \text{marked}, n \in \mathcal{N}

1:for all (n,m)E (n, m) \in \mathcal{E} do

2:if marked[m]\neq \text{marked}[m] then

3:marked[m]true\text{marked}[m] \coloneqq \text{true}

4:DFS-R(G,marked,m)\text{DFS-R}{(G, \text{marked}, m)}

5:end if

6:end for


  • all nodes to which is connected
  • is not a connected graph
  • The order of recursive call determines all is connected to.


  • memory for marked and at-most recursive calls
  • inspect each node at-most once and traverse each edge once:


Algorithm 2 DFS-CC-R(G, cc, n)

Require: G=(N,E),cc,nNG = (\mathcal{N}, \mathcal{E}), cc, n \in \mathcal{N}

1:for all (n,m)E(n, m) \in \mathcal{E} do

2:if cc[m]=unmarkedcc[m] = \text{unmarked} then

3:cc[m]cc[n]cc[m] \coloneqq cc[n]

4:DFS-CC-R(G,cc,m)\text{DFS-CC-R}(G, cc, m)

5:end if

6:end for

Algorithm 3 COMPONENTS(G, s)

Require: G=(N,E),sNG = (\mathcal{N}, \mathcal{E}), s \in \mathcal{N}

1:cc{nunmarked}cc \coloneqq \{ n \mapsto \text{unmarked} \}

2:for all nNn \in \mathcal{N} do

3:if cc[n]=unmarkedcc[n] = \text{unmarked} then

4:cc[n]ncc[n] \coloneqq n

5:DFS-CC-R(G,cc,n)\text{DFS-CC-R}(G, cc, n)

6:end if

7:end for


Bipartite graph

A graph is bipartite if we can partition the nodes in two sets such that no two nodes in the same set share an edge.

Algorithm 4 DFS-TC-R(G, colors, n)

Require: G=(N,E),colors,nNG = (\mathcal{N}, \mathcal{E}), \text{colors}, n \in \mathcal{N}

1:for all (n,m)E(n, m) \in \mathcal{E} do

2:if colors[m]=0\text{colors}[m] = 0 then

3:colors[m]colors[n]\text{colors}[m] \coloneqq -\text{colors}[n]

4:DFS-TC-R(G,colors,m)\text{DFS-TC-R}(G, \text{colors}, m)

5:else if colors[m]=colors[n]\text{colors}[m] = \text{colors}[n] then

6:print "This graph is not bipartite."

7:end if

8:end for

Algorithm 5 TwoColors(G)

Require: G=(N,E)G = (\mathcal{N}, \mathcal{E})

1:colors{n0nN}\text{colors} \coloneqq \{ n \mapsto 0 \mid n \in \mathcal{N} \}

2:for all nNn \in \mathcal{N} do

3:if colors[n]=0\text{colors}[n] = 0 then

4:colors[n]1\text{colors}[n] \coloneqq 1

5:DFS-TC-R(G,colors,n)\text{DFS-TC-R}(G, \text{colors}, n)

6:end if

7:end for

Breadth-first search (BFS)

Algorithm 6 BFS(G, s)

Require: G=(N,E),sNG = (\mathcal{N}, \mathcal{E}), s \in \mathcal{N}

1:marked{n(ns)nN}\text{marked} \coloneqq \{ n \mapsto (n \neq s) \mid n \in \mathcal{N} \}

2:Qa queue holding only sQ \coloneqq \text{a queue holding only } s

3:while ¬Empty(Q)\neg\text{Empty}(Q) do

4:nDequeue(Q)n \coloneqq \text{Dequeue}(Q)

5:for all (n,m)E(n, m) \in \mathcal{E} do

6:if ¬marked[m]\neg\text{marked}[m] then

7:marked[m]true\text{marked}[m] \coloneqq \text{true}

8:Enqueue(Q,m)\text{Enqueue}(Q, m)

9:end if

10:end for

11:end while

Single-source shortest path

Given an undirected graph without weight and node , find a shortest path from node to all nodes can reach.

Algorithm 7 BFS-SSSP(G, s)

Require: G=(N,E),sNG = (\mathcal{N}, \mathcal{E}), s \in \mathcal{N}

1:distance{nnN}\text{distance} \coloneqq \{ n \mapsto \infty \mid n \in \mathcal{N} \}

2:distance[s]0\text{distance}[s] \coloneqq 0

3:Qa queue holding only sQ \coloneqq \text{a queue holding only } s

4:while ¬Empty(Q)\neg\text{Empty}(Q) do

5:nDequeue(Q)n \coloneqq \text{Dequeue}(Q)

6:for all (n,m)E(n, m) \in \mathcal{E} do

7:if distance[m]=\text{distance}[m] = \infty then

8:distance[m]distance[n]+1\text{distance}[m] \coloneqq \text{distance}[n] + 1

9:Enqueue(Q,m)\text{Enqueue}(Q, m)

10:end if

11:end for

12:end while