regular language

All finite languages are regular, but not all regular languages are finite

Pumping Lemma

  • demon picks
  • you pick
  • demon picks
  • you pick an , and show

context-free grammar


  • L is regular L is context-free
  • context-free languages are not closed under complement, and not closed under intersection. ()

We know that is not CF

Pushdown Automata PDA


Turing machine

Transition function: : when in state scan symbol , write on tape cell, move the head in direction and enter state

transition to or is a halting state and accept/reject respectively.


  • A TM is “total” iff it halts on all input
  • L is recognizable:
  • L is decidable:

Church-Turing Thesis

Conjecture 1: All reasonable models of computation are equivalent:

  • perfect memory
  • finite amount of time

Conjecture 2: Anything a modern digital computer can do, a Turing machine can do.

Equivalence model

  • TMs with multiple tapes.
  • NTMs.
  • PDA with two stacks.

Finite Automata from Church-Turing Thesis

Finite automata can be encoded as a string:

Let be a DFA with states, input characters, final states, transitions

M is a “recognizer”

M is a “decider”

Decidability and Recognizability

(1) is deciable: Create a TM such that runs on , therefore is total, or

(2) is recognizable: Create a TM such that runs on

Note that all regular language are deciable language

Proof for is undeciable:

Assume is decidable

a decider for , .

Let another TM such that : Call on

Paradox machine: P never loops:


  • A set is countable infinite if a monotonic function (isomorphism)
  • A set is uncountable if there is NO injection from


  • The set of all PDAs is countably infinite
  • is countably infinite (list out all string n in finite time)
  • The set of all TMs is countably infinite (, so does REC, DEC, CF, REG
  • The set of all languages is uncountable.

Diagonalization and Problems

The set of unrecognizable languages is uncountable. The set of all languages is uncountable.

Proof: I can encode a language with a infinite string. Consider a machine that on input such that is undeciable from the diagonalization. Make sure to use the negation of the dia


  • L is deciable L and are both recognizable

Proof: is deciable is deciable. is deciable L is recognizable

Let be recognizer. Create TM that runs and on concurrently. if accepts accept, accepts reject.

If M never halts, M decides L. If , and .

Reduction on universal TMs

. Which implies is unrecognizable

HP is undeciable, and recognizable.

Proof: Assume HP is deciable.

Build a TM where :

calls $D_{MP}$ on $M\#v$:
  - run $M$ on $v$
    - accept -> accept
    - reject -> reject
reject: reject

Therefore is total. Since . Therefore . Which means is a decider for (which is a paradox)