EfficientNetV2 includes a optimisations to make training a lot faster while keeping the model relatively lean. They were built on top of a limited search space and a fused conv layers called Fused-MBConv.
I attempted to replicate the paper’s dropout and adaptive regularization but didn’t see a lot of benefits as mentioned from the paper itself.
# uv pip install pandas safetensors torch scipy tqdm torchvision torch torchinfo timm tensorboard
import os , inspect
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Literal
import torch
import torch . nn as nn
import torch . nn . functional as F
import torch . optim as optim
import torchvision
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from PIL import Image
from torchinfo import summary
from torchvision import datasets , transforms , models
from torch . utils . data import DataLoader , Dataset , random_split , Subset
from safetensors . torch import save_model , load_model
# Define CIFAR-100 mean and std
CIFAR100_MEAN = ( 0.5071 , 0.4867 , 0.4408 )
CIFAR100_STD = ( 0.2675 , 0.2565 , 0.2761 )
# Hyperparameters
num_epochs = 30
lr = 0.001
weight_decay = 1e-4
batch_size = 128
model_prefix = f 'efficientnet_v2_ { lr } _ { num_epochs } '
device = 'cuda' if torch . cuda . is_available () else 'cpu'
ncols = 100
# CIFAR-100 dataset (download and create DataLoader)
def get_dataloaders ( batch_size ):
transform_train = transforms . Compose ([
transforms . RandomCrop ( 32 , padding = 4 ),
transforms . RandomHorizontalFlip (),
transforms . ToTensor (),
transforms . Normalize ( CIFAR100_MEAN , CIFAR100_STD ),
transform_test = transforms . Compose ([ transforms . ToTensor (), transforms . Normalize ( CIFAR100_MEAN , CIFAR100_STD )])
train_dataset = torchvision . datasets . CIFAR100 ( root = './data' , train = True , download = True , transform = transform_train )
train_loader = DataLoader ( train_dataset , batch_size = batch_size , shuffle = True , num_workers = 4 )
test_dataset = torchvision . datasets . CIFAR100 ( root = './data' , train = False , download = True , transform = transform_test )
test_loader = DataLoader ( test_dataset , batch_size = batch_size , shuffle = False , num_workers = 4 )
return train_loader , test_loader
def _holistic_patch ( model , num_features = 100 ): model . classifier [ 1 ] = nn . Linear ( model . classifier [ 1 ]. in_features , num_features )
# Load EfficientNetV2 model
def init_model ( variants : Literal [ 'S' , 'M' , 'L' ] = 'S' , patch = _holistic_patch ):
if variants == 'S' : model = models . efficientnet_v2_s ( weights = models . EfficientNet_V2_S_Weights . DEFAULT )
elif variants == 'M' : model = models . efficientnet_v2_m ( weights = models . EfficientNet_V2_M_Weights . DEFAULT )
elif variants == 'L' : model = models . efficientnet_v2_l ( weights = models . EfficientNet_V2_L_Weights . DEFAULT )
patch ( model )
model . variants = variants
model = model . to ( device )
return model
# Load model if exists
def load_checkpoint ( filepath , model = None , variants = 'S' ):
if model is None : model = init_model ( variants )
load_model ( model , filepath )
model . eval ()
return model
# Save model to safetensors
def save_checkpoint ( model , accuracy , model_prefix , basedir = "./model" ):
timestamp = datetime . now (). strftime ( '%Y%m %d _%H%M%S' )
os . makedirs ( basedir , exist_ok = True )
variants = "default"
if hasattr ( model , "variants" ): variants = model . variants
filepath = os . path . join ( basedir , f ' { model_prefix } _ { variants } _ { accuracy :.2f} _ { timestamp } .safetensors' )
save_model ( model , filepath )
print ( f 'Model checkpoint saved to { filepath } .' )
# Train the model
def train ( model , train_loader ,
criterion , optimizer , scheduler ,
num_epochs ,
* , ncols = 100 ):
best_accuracy = 0.0
train_losses = []
train_accuracies = []
for epoch in range ( num_epochs ):
model . train ()
running_loss = 0.0
correct = 0
total = 0
with tqdm ( enumerate ( train_loader ), total = len ( train_loader ), ncols = ncols ) as bar :
for i , ( images , labels ) in bar :
images , labels = images . to ( device ), labels . to ( device )
# Forward pass
outputs = model ( images )
loss = criterion ( outputs , labels )
# Backward pass and optimization
optimizer . zero_grad ()
loss . backward ()
optimizer . step ()
running_loss += loss . item ()
_ , predicted = torch . max ( outputs . data , 1 )
total += labels . size ( 0 )
correct += ( predicted == labels ). sum (). item ()
bar . set_description ( f 'Epoch [ { epoch + 1 } / { num_epochs } ]' )
bar . set_postfix ( loss = loss . item ())
scheduler . step ()
epoch_loss = running_loss / len ( train_loader )
epoch_acc = 100 * correct / total
train_losses . append ( epoch_loss )
train_accuracies . append ( epoch_acc )
print ( f 'Epoch [ { epoch + 1 } / { num_epochs } ], Loss: { epoch_loss :.4f} , Accuracy: { epoch_acc :.2f} %' )
# Evaluate the model on test set after each epoch
test_acc = evaluate ( model , test_loader )
if test_acc > best_accuracy :
best_accuracy = test_acc
save_checkpoint ( model , best_accuracy , model_prefix )
# Plotting training history
plot_training_history ( train_losses , train_accuracies )
# Evaluate the model
def evaluate ( model , test_loader ):
model . eval ()
correct = 0
total = 0
with torch . no_grad ():
for images , labels in test_loader :
images , labels = images . to ( device ), labels . to ( device )
outputs = model ( images )
_ , predicted = torch . max ( outputs . data , 1 )
total += labels . size ( 0 )
correct += ( predicted == labels ). sum (). item ()
accuracy = 100 * correct / total
print ( f 'Test Accuracy: { accuracy :.2f} %' )
return accuracy
# Plot training history
def plot_training_history ( train_losses , train_accuracies ):
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 12 , 5 ))
# Plot training loss
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . plot ( train_losses , label = 'Training Loss' )
plt . xlabel ( 'Epoch' )
plt . ylabel ( 'Loss' )
plt . title ( 'Training Loss over Epochs' )
plt . legend ()
# Plot training accuracy
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
plt . plot ( train_accuracies , label = 'Training Accuracy' )
plt . xlabel ( 'Epoch' )
plt . ylabel ( 'Accuracy (%)' )
plt . title ( 'Training Accuracy over Epochs' )
plt . legend ()
plt . show ()
def validations ( model , test_loader , classes , num_examples = 16 ):
model . eval ()
SAMPLES , PREDS , LABELS = [], [], []
with torch . no_grad ():
for _ in range ( num_examples ):
idx = np . random . randint ( len ( test_loader . dataset ))
sample_image , actual_label = test_loader . dataset [ idx ]
sample_image = sample_image . unsqueeze ( 0 ). to ( device )
SAMPLES . append ( sample_image . squeeze ( 0 ))
LABELS . append ( actual_label )
output = F . softmax ( model ( sample_image ), dim =- 1 )
pred_values , pred_labels = output . max ( - 1 )
PREDS . append ( round ( float ( pred_values ), 4 ))
LABELS . append ( int ( pred_labels ))
fig , ax = plt . subplots ( nrows = 4 , ncols = 4 , figsize = ( 21 , 19 ))
i = 0
for R in range ( 4 ):
for C in range ( 4 ):
image_np = SAMPLES [ i ]. cpu (). numpy (). transpose ( 1 , 2 , 0 )
image_np = ( image_np * np . array (( 0.2675 , 0.2565 , 0.2761 )) + np . array (( 0.5071 , 0.4867 , 0.4408 ))) # Unnormalize
image_np = np . clip ( image_np , 0 , 1 )
ax [ R , C ]. imshow ( image_np )
ax [ R , C ]. set_title ( 'Actual: ' + classes [ LABELS [ i ]], fontsize = 16 ). set_color ( 'k' )
ax [ R , C ]. set_ylabel ( PREDS [ i ], fontsize = 16 , rotation = 0 , labelpad = 25 ). set_color ( 'm' )
if LABELS [ i ] == LABELS [ i ]:
ax [ R , C ]. set_xlabel ( 'Predicted: ' + classes [ LABELS [ i ]], fontsize = 16 ). set_color ( 'b' )
else :
ax [ R , C ]. set_xlabel ( 'Predicted: ' + classes [ LABELS [ i ]], fontsize = 16 ). set_color ( 'r' )
ax [ R , C ]. set_xticks ([])
ax [ R , C ]. set_yticks ([])
i += 1
plt . show ()
if __name__ == "__main__" :
model = init_model ( variants = "L" )
optimizer = optim . SGD ( model . parameters (), lr = lr , momentum = 0.9 , weight_decay = 1e-4 )
criterion = nn . CrossEntropyLoss ( label_smoothing = 0.1 ) # Add label smoothing
scheduler = optim . lr_scheduler . CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (
optimizer ,
T_0 = 5 , T_mult = 2 , eta_min = 1e-6
train ( model , train_loader , criterion , optimizer , scheduler , num_epochs , ncols = ncols )
evaluate ( model , test_loader )