correctness of BestTwoSum


result := empty bag
i, j := 0, N-1
while i < j do
  if L[i] + L[j] = w then
    add (L[i], L[j]) to result
    i,j := i+1,j-1
  else if L[i] + L[j] < w then
    i := i+1
    j := j-1
return result /* result = TS(L, 0, N-1) */

selection sort.

Input: L[0...N) of N values
For pos := 0 to N-2 do
  min := pos
  For i := pos+1 to N-1 do
    if L[i] < L[min] then
      min := i
  swap L[pos] and L[min]

Comparison: , changes

insertion sort.

Input: L[0...N) of N values
For pos := 1 to N-1 do
  v := L[pos]
  p := pos
  while p > 0 and v< L[p-1] do
    L[p] := L[p-1]
    p := p-1
  L[p] := v

Comparison: , changes

merge sort.

  • divide-and-conquer

A lower bound for general-purpose sorting

assume we have a list of of distinct values

: All possible lists that are treated the same by A such that


Can we improve mergesort O(N) memory?

quick sort.

Complexity of quicksort

recursion tree: