statement and goals.

Administrative Details

  1. natural-language driven terminal Possible prof: Emil Sekerinski or Richard Paige
    • warp as an example, but closed source
    • So you can think it like Alacritty but with async command-runner
    • voice-driven assistant: real-time transcribe generate commands from language to shell commands
      • voice natural language
      • natural language commands
    • Configuration, maybe in Lua
    • stretch goal: new shell based on rust syntax and borrowing concept of variables.
  2. WYSIWYG editor Possible prof: Christopher Anand or Martin von Mohrenschildt(maybe he is interested in this idk) or Frantisek (Franya) FRANEK
    • Markdown renderer
    • train SAE for specific type of writing tonality manual steering for text generation on creative writing
    • exploration of internals writing features based on text
  3. Infrastructure and AI Companion for Engineering Knowledge Management (19)
    • Quartz + similarity search + ANN for reranking

1 élément sous ce dossier.