first order.

second order.

over-damped response.

For inspect of poles, form of system’s response

critically damped response.

System’s response:

where is our pole location.

under-damped response.

Unit step response to the system:

Thus the form of system’s response:

e^{-\sigma_dt} \lbrack 2\alpha \cos \omega_d t+ 2\beta \sin \omega_d t \rbrack = K_4 e^{-\sigma_d t} \cos (\omega_dt - \phi)$$ where $\phi = \tan^{-1}(\frac{\beta}{\alpha})$ and $K_4=\sqrt{(2\alpha)^2 + (2\beta)^2}$ ### general second-order systems - nature frequency $\omega_n$: frequency of oscillation of the system - damping ratio $\zeta = \frac{\text{exponential decay frequency}}{\text{natural frequency (rad/sec)}}$ _Deriving_ $\zeta$: - For _under-damped_ system, the poles are $\sigma = \frac{-a}{2}$ ### %OS (percent overshoot)

%OS = e^{\zeta \pi / \sqrt{1-\zeta^2}} \times 100 %