See also source for code and jupyter notebook

Book: ISBN: 978-1-119-47422-7 and pdf


sp.Heaviside(t) is


import sympy
import sympy as sp
from symbol import symbols, apart, inverse_laplace_transform, simplify
from import s, t

Frequency domain

See notes

Common Laplace transform

Laplace Theorem

Transfer function

order linear, time-invariant (LTI) differential equation:

takes Laplace transform from both side

assume initial conditions are zero

Transfer function

Q: . Input: . What is ?

Lien vers l'original

Transfer function with feedback is under form

Equivalent Resistance and Impedance

Block Diagrams

State space representation

controller form


We get controller canonical state space form:

Lien vers l'original

observer form

We get observer canonical state space form:

Lien vers l'original


See this for applications

Necessary and sufficient condition for stability

to have all roots in open left hand plane is to have all coefficients of polynomial to be present and have same sign.

Lien vers l'original

Routh table

Time response


To find transfer function for a system given a step response graph, *look for time over around 63% of the final value$

Closed-loop transfer function


steady-state error

If a unity feedback system has a feedforward transfer function then transfer function can be derived as:

For we get

state space design

Pole placement with phase-variable form

Closed-loop system characteristic equation

Gain and Phase Stability Margins

Closed loop pole exists when

zero order hold

Nyqust frequency:

Set the third pole to s=-2 to cancel a zero as third pole.