See also problem

Problemè 1

In Lab 4, We used a PD compensator to control our ball and beam apparatus. The transfer function of our PD compensator was as follows:

However, we did not use the compensator in this form. The transfer function we used in lab was as follows:


Solve for and in terms of and .


Or it can be written as:

To solve for the characteristic equation, we can set the coefficients of and the constant term to zero:

Thus, we can solve for and as follows:

Problemè 2

Given that the transfer function of our Ball and Beam plant used in the previous lab is as follows:

And given that the controller is applied to the plant in cascade configuration, find:


Static error constant for position (position constant)

This is a Type-2 system, thus position constant


Static error constant for velocity (velocity constant)

Velocity constant


Static error constant for acceleration (acceleration constant)

Acceleration constant


Steady-state error for a step input

For a step input , the steady-state error is given by:


Steady-state error for a ramp input

For a ramp input , the steady-state error is given by:


Steady-state error for a parabolic input

For a parabolic input , the steady-state error is given by:

Problemè 3

We will be augmenting our controller to include an integrator. The transfer function of our new PID compensator will be as follows;

Given that the transfer function for our plant has not changed, and given that this controller is also applied to the plant in cascade configuration.

The closed-loop transfer function is


Static error constant for position (position constant)


Static error constant for velocity (velocity constant)


Static error constant for acceleration (acceleration constant)


Steady-state error for a step input

For a step input , the steady-state error is given by:


Steady-state error for a ramp input

For a ramp input , the steady-state error is given by:


Steady-state error for a parabolic input

For a parabolic input , the steady-state error is given by:

Problemè 4

Ideally you want your controller design to reject a step disturbance input at . This means that in the steady state for , the output is unchanged.


Ignoring the input , what is the transfer function in terms of and ?

To find the transfer function , then the transfer function is given by:


For and what is the steady state error resulting from step inputs and

The steady-state error to step input is given by:


The steady-state error to step input is given by:

Thus, the total steady-state error is


For and what is the steady state error resulting from step inputs and

The steady-state error to step input is zero: