DtDu=∵utDtDuρσf∇⋅σρ1∇⋅σ+f:flow velocity(unit: m/s):time(unit: s):material derivative of u=∂tu+u⋅∇u(unit: m/s2):density at given point of the continuum(unit: kg/m3):stress tensor(unit: Pa=N/m2=kg⋅m−1⋅s−2):fxfyfz(unit: m/s2)=∂x∂σxx+∂y∂σyx+∂z∂σzx∂x∂σxy+∂y∂σyy+∂z∂σzy∂x∂σxz+∂y∂σyz+∂z∂σzz(unit: Pa/m)
NOTE: f is the vector containing all accelerations caused by body force and ∇⋅σ is the divergence of stress tensor.
common annotation
We only use Cartesian coordinate system (column vector) for clarity, but equation often written using physical components (which are neither covariants (column) nor contra-variants (row))
differential derivation
generalized momentum conservation principles
The change in system momentum is proportional to the resulting force acting on this system
where p(t) is momentum at time t, and F is force averaged over Δt
integral derivation
Applying Newton’s second law to a control volume in the continuum being gives
where j is the momentum density at given space-time point, F is the flux associated to momentum density, and s contains all body force per unit volume.
Assume conservation of mass, with known properties of divergence and gradient we can rewrite the conservation form of equations of motions
where ⊗ is the outer product of the flow velocity u: u⊗u=uuT
convective form
the definition of material derivative are as follow:
For any tensor fieldy that is macroscopic, or depends on ly on position and time coordinates y=y(x,t)
where ∇y is the covariant dervative of the tensor, and u(x,t) is the flow velocity