Introduction and Notes

Open-loop versus closed-loop

Transient and steady-state response


  • Total response = Natural response + Forced response
    • Natural response (homogeneous solution): evolution of system due to initial conditions
    • Forced response (particular solution): evolution of system due to input

Control objects:

  • Stabilize the system
  • Produce the desired transient response
  • Decrease/eliminate steady-state error
  • Make system “robust” to withstand disturbances and variations in parameters
  • Achieve optimal performance

Block diagram representation of a system

graph LR
    * -- "r(t)" --> System{{System}} -- "c(t)" --> End{{end}}

System as linear differential equation

Laplace Transform

graph LR
    Diff{{differential equations}} -- "Laplace transform" --> Algebraic{{algebraic equations}} -- "inverse Laplace transform" --> End{{time domain solution}}


Transfer function

order linear, time-invariant (LTI) differential equation:

takes Laplace transform from both side

assume initial conditions are zero

Transfer function

Q: . Input: . What is ?

Inverse Laplace transform

Partial fraction expansion

Decomposition of

  1. Divide if improper: such that such that
  2. Factor Denominator: into factor form
  3. Linear Factors: such that:
  4. Quadratic Factors: such that
  5. Determine Unknown

Stability analysis using Root of

roots of

roots of as poles

can be imaginary

Solving for gives

stability analysis


If then pole is in the left side of imaginary plane, and system is ==stable ==

Complex root

For poles at we get

Wants to be on LHP for time-function associated with plane to be stable

Impedance of Inductor

since the voltage-current relation for an inductor is

Impedance of Capacitor

since the voltage-current relation for a capacitor is