See lab notes


The transfer function of a DC electric motor with respect to angular velocity is:


  • and are positive, real-valued constants
  • and are voltage and angular velocity as function of in the Laplace domain.

Note that


We will now develop a formula for the motor DC gain constant in terms of a step input change and step output change

problem a.

Using the final value theorem, find an expression for the steady state value of when a step input of amplitude is applied.

note: so the pole of at is in the open Left Half Plane (LHP) so the system is stable.

Given that the final value theorem, the steady state value of is given by:

When a step input is applied, the output in the Laplace domain is given by:

Since when :

The steady-state value of under a step amplitude of is directly proportional to the product of DC gain and step input

problem b.

Give the expression for in response to a step input at time . Assume a non-zero initial condition for , i.e., .

note: the response due to a non-zero initial condition can be modeled as the response due to input where is the impulse function. Since is a linear system, the response to step input with non-zero initial condition is just the sum of the responses due to the step and the initial condition.

The zero-state response to step input is given by the inverse Laplace transform of :

The zero-input response to initial condition can be modeled as the response to an impulse input . The Laplace transform of the impulse response is:

Which the zero-input response is given by:

The total response is the sum of the zero-state and zero-input responses (due to linearity):

problem c.

For in computed in part b, what is the ? How does it compare to result in part a?

Since as , the steady-state value of is:

We see that the steady-state value of is the same. The initial condition does not affect the steady-state value of , only influence transient response.

problem d.

Now assume that you run the motor with an initial step input of until time . At time , assume that the system has reached steady state and the step input is changed to at time . In other words, the system input will take the form

where and and may be non-zero.

Use the results above to show that:

where and where is the steady-state response to a constant input and is the steady-state response to the input

For input , the steady-state response is

Similarly, for input , the steady-state response is

Thus, the change in steady-state response is



Using the formula derived in Q1, use the following graphs to calculate A for this system.

Given , from the graph and and and ,


For a first order system, the time it takes a step response to reach 63.2% of its steady state value ( in Fig. 1) is the response’s time constant . i.e., at time . Find the time constant for the above system.

From the graph,


Using and calculated in Q2 and Q3, find the transfer function in terms of


The system quickly rises to a steady-state value without any oscillation, which suggests a first-order system. The transfer function:


Deriving a transfer function experimentally and then use simulation software to design is preferable in situations where experimenting directly with the plant poses high risks, incurs excessive costs, requires downtown. For example, a chemical processing plant, probably we don’t want to experiment with the actual system, since it could lead to dangerous chemical reactions, waste of materials. Using simulation engineers can safely and cost-effectively design and test control strategies before implementing in real system.

Conversely, deriving transfer function experimentally and then using simulation software to design is not preferable in situations where the plant is simple and safe to experiment with, and the cost of experimenting is low. For instance, a small educational laboratory setup with low-cost components and minimal hazardous concerns would mean it might be more practical and education to design and calibrate the controller directly through experimentation and observe behaviours in real-time.


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